Friday, March 20, 2009

My Birth Story [Part 1]

Hmm~ this is actually my attempt yg keberapa ntah to have my own blog...
Why do I need a blog, eh?
Mmm.. influenced by my sister, E*m*y and other bloggers? Could be...
It would be nice to have a place to write whatever you feel... Right?
At least when I have gone from this world, people will have something to read/look about me... [mcm la org nak ingat kat kite plak! i'm being amat perasan utk ayat ini~ erk!]

I was so keen to write about my birth story... [it might not be very interesting to some people, but it was 1 of the most memorable thing that ever happened in my life~] I kept on thinking about this since Emran was born... Being a busy mama [yes, I am!] the thought just stuck there for quite some time... And... now here I am to make it real~

Where should I start, then? [thinking...]

DAY 1 [Aug. 19, 2008]

2.30 - 3 p.m
It was on Wednesday, August 19, 2008 where I went for my usual prenatal check-up. I'm quite sure that I was in my 38th week. Usually my appointment would be in the morning, but I had to be there in the afternoon as the nurse said morning appointment was already full.. Before I went to the clinic, I noticed that my p*n*y was extra wet. I thought it was normal because most of pregnant ladies would get a lot of discharge during their pregnancy. I did complain to darling hubby about it and he told me to tell the doctor when we reached the clinic. I just nodded but at the end I didn't ask them. I was quite scared though! So, there was nothing serious during the check-up and we went home.

4 - 5.30 p.m
Since it was on Wednesday, I was suppose to go to office after the check-up. When I arrived home, I went to the loo and I found out that more water had came out. I still thought it was normal. I kept on telling myself, "No need to be worry..." So happened at that moment
E*m*y was at home, and I told her about it. She was quite panicked and asked me to call my mom. I did. My mom who was in the office [yes, she is still working till now!] straight away asked me to go to the hospital rather than go to the office. F.y.i, I was getting ready to go to office as I had to take night class! She told her friends about what had I experienced, and they also advised me to go as they said it was one of the sign to deliver.

I was quite reluctant to go to the hospital because I was afraid that it might be a false alarm. I also thought that they might asked me to go back and say, "Belum lagi ni,sila balik skarang ye.." Being a first-time-mother, I was quite panicky. I did not know what to do and yet I still have that silly thoughts in my head. "Should I go or not.."
E*m*y & darling hubby were waiting for me. They also helped me to pack-up my stuff, we were pretty blur of what things to bring... I could still remember we managed to grab kain batik, dates, air zam zam, t-shirt, panties, etc. I was so not prepared to give birth at that time!

6 - 7.30 p.m
To make story short, once we arrived at the hospital I started to feel nervous. I was quite relaxed & calmed when we were on the way. If I'm not mistaken it was raining. We [me, darling hubby &
E*m*y] could still laugh & jokes in the car. We made our way to the emergency department. The nurse saw me and she quickly took a wheel chair for me. She straight away brought me to the labour room. Hmmm... I felt so thrilled coz I could hear one or maybe two persons screaming. However, I still didn't feel any single pain! I had to wait for the doctor to come in. Then, the doctor came and did whatever she was supposed to do. She told me that I was dilated by 1 cm. I did ask the nurse how long would it take for me to give birth... She said probably in another 8/9 hours! I started to think about a lot of things! As far as I could remember was about death... [dramatic plak!]

8 p.m till next morning
I had to be admitted to the ward since the cervix was only dilated by 1 1/2 cm then.
I had to spend one borin night at the hospital. For that whole night, I didn't feel anything but when it was around 2.30-3 a.m I could feel my back started aching. I could not really sleep properly because of the mild contractions. I was already put on a monitor and some routine checks.


DAY 2 & 3 [Aug. 20, 2008 & Aug. 21, 2008]

I was still fine on the 2nd day in the hospital. Yup, I could feel the contractions but could still managed. My back was aching even more. Felt like the worst period pain ever. However it was, I could still talk & eat [but not a lot as I used to eat!]. The contraction became stronger at night but still okay. My colleagues did text me hoping that I would give birth on that day as the date was nice - 20082008. I was hoping for the same too!Unfortunately, my baby would still want to stay inside me until the next day...

The next day, I had some irregular contractions but it was more painful! Later in the evening the pain of the contractions was increasing! Around 6 p.m all my family members were already there. Only Allah knew how painful was it that I felt! I just could not wait to push. The nurse brought me to the labour room by 6.15 p.m. At that moment, I could feel as if my baby so wanted to come out. I was dilated by 8 cm when I was brought in there.

The mid-wife asked me not to push yet as the cervix was not fully opened but I just could not tahan anymore. After a few minutes she asked me to push. I was so weak to push. My energy was at the very minimal stage. I tried to push but still my baby did not come out. I was so tired and I did ask the mid-wife that I wanted to drink! I was so thirsty ok... tp boleh plak die x kasik! Huhuhuhu~ I was asked to get everything done first. She told me to think of my baby and not myself as I was trying to push for about 10-15 minutes already...

... updated ...

After about nearly 20 minutes trying to push, the head of my baby was about to come out. But still not fully done yet. I was so exhausted & thirsty. I couldn't really push properly and my baby's head started to go in again. Poor baby! Mama had no more energy, sweetheart! Why? The night before I couldn't get enough sleep because of the contractions... I couldn't really eat - tell me who can eat during the final stage of contractions?! The 2 things that kept me going were my darling hubby who was beside me all the time during the labour - he was so cool as he always does~ He stood here holding my hands and also my head, comforting me as if he was expert in this! The other 1 was the mid-wife... Not to say that she was utterly kind & gentle, but those words that came out from her mouth really helped! She motivated by by telling me about my baby... "Push lagi... Kesian la kat baby awak ni~ Da nk dekat stgh jam ni... Jgn smp die lemas nnt... " "Cepat, cepat. Jantung baby da nak lemah ni, cepat cket teran..." I was afraid when she said that but yet it made me slightly stronger.

She kept saying a lot of other things. As I was so out of breathe da masa tu, something came across my mind but I didn't say it out. I was thinking about asking for C-sect! Why C-sect? Why I didn't think epidural? Possibly because I was already so set that NO epidural no matter what happened... I have read & heard about the side effects after taking it, so the epidural is a NO NO to me~

0 whines: